I have lots to say about Shoshanna Zuboff’s piece in this week’s New York Times, but it’s late and I thought I’d give you a chance to look it over before I say anything about it. Enjoy. It’s a great primer to her weighty The Age of Surveillance Capitalism (and a lot more accessible).
If you need a laugh, even if your sense of humor tends toward the acid I don’t recommend reading this thing I stumbled on last week, Microsoft’s book-length ad for buying AI from them. Though it’s an interesting companion piece to contrast Zuboff.
It’s a real barrel of laughs. No kidding, I bought it just because it will be funny in just a few years that a paperback was published. I’m laughing all the way to Satya and Jeff not even needing a device to track me down because in fact I bought a physical book from an online retailer, which was tracked from first click to a picture of it being taken and sent to me to prove it was delivered.